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29/01/2015 - ore 11.00
Bruxelles, Delegazione del Governo Basco, Rue des Deux Eglises, 27
"Youth Guarantee: From regional to local implementation"

Earlall – European Association of Regional and Local Authorities for Lifelong Learning organizza un seminario su Garanzia giovani dal titolo "Youth Guarantee: From regional to local implementation". Il programma dei lavori prevede:
h. 11.00: Welcome, Presentation and introduction
Ms. Marta Marín, Delegate of the Basque Government to the EU
Mr. Ramón Martínez de Murguia Urreta, Director of Training and Learning, Ministry of Education, Basque Government, Presidency of EARLALL

h. 11.15: Youth Guarantee, and initiatives and actions in the field of employment and youth:
Mr. Antonio Silva Mendes, Director for Education and Vocational Training, DG Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, European Commission
Ms. Ulrike Storost, Policy Officer Sectorial Employment Challenges, Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission
Questions and Answers

h. 11.45: Implementation of the Youth Guarantee and pilot projects, from the regional to the local (Moderated by Ms. Ulrike Storost, DG Employment)
Regional authorities:
Mr. Ramón Martínez de Murguia Urreta, Director of Training and Learning, Ministry of Education, Basque Country
Ms. Lucia Valente, Minister for Labour, Lazio Region
Mr. Emmanuele Bobbio, Minister for Education, Vocational Training, University and Research, Tuscany Region
Ms. Mª Yolanda Alvarez Granda, Head of Service Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Education, Asturias
Ms. Amanda Boyce and Mr. David Meyrick, Pembrokeshire County Council, Wales, UK
Local authorities:
Mr. James Higgins, Policy Coordinator, EUROCITIES
Debate/Questions and Answers

h. 13.10: Key messages/conclusions/recommendations:
Ms. Stefanie Ledermaier, Research Officer, EUROFUND
Ms. Clementine Moyart, Policy Officer, European Youth Forum (EYF)

h. 13.30: Closure
Mr. Ramón Martínez de Murguia Urreta, Director of Training and Learning, Ministry of Education, Basque Government, Presidency of EARLALL

Networking lunch